Monmouth Coffee
/ 100Monmouth Coffee leads London's elite coffee scene as a true pioneer among the city's top cafes.

Monmouth Coffee, is coffee royalty of London and well deserved. The company dates back to 1978 where the owners operated out of their basement to make the coffee that we know and love today on the same site as the pin drop above, in Seven Dials Market, London.
As you enter the store you are greeted with a rustic feel of what old London felt like, a traditional wooden interior and the instant smell of coffee beans. Behind the counter is your selection that comes from most corners of the coffee world, this extract taken from their site does the bean selection process justice:
We source and roast coffee from single farms, estates and cooperatives. When we taste a coffee that we like, we want to know where it comes from and who grows, picks and processes it. We travel extensively throughout the year, visiting the producers and cooperatives with whom we currently work and looking for interesting varietals of coffee and new farms from which to buy. During these visits we talk to farmers and cooperative members, learning more about the coffee they grow and process and the challenges that they face. We then look to establish a relationship with the grower and exporter of that coffee. We believe that where such a relationship exists, quality, quantity and price requirements can be discussed in an open and equal way. We see this as sustainable, fair and equal trade.
Inside you're able to order your favorite beverage and even get information about each bean and its flavor profile from the extremely knowledgeable and friendly staff that work there, its worth noting that there is a bean rotation that happens rather frequently so you'll always have variety and the opportunity to try something new from them, upon selecting your beans you can take them home whole or ground - up to you. You'll need to provide either your own cup, or use one of their ceramic cups, or purchase a reusable take away cup.
You've got your coffee, now what? Well, you can sit inside or out if London weather permits but it is worth noting that the store is extremely busy and it kind of feels like it is peak time all the time but thats just London I suppose. I tend to choose their fazenda variety which is from Brazil and has a dark chocolate, caramel, and nutty flavor profile which both my wife and I approve of - typically accompanied by canele.